Fruit Salad – a healthy summertime snack

Planning your meals is always the best way to stay on track if you are on a diet or just trying to eat healthy. There are so many delicious fruits available in the summertime. Try preparing a large fruit salad for yourself on a Sunday that you can eat throughout the week. If the fruit salad is prepared, you’re more likely to opt for it when you’re very hungry. It’s a great way to prevent unwanted snacking and going for something like candy or sweets. Not only is fruit good for your health, it also has beauty benefits. The vitamins and antioxidants found in fruit can protect the skin from damaging free radicals and increase collagen production.

A bit of fruit always goes well with a protein shake making the perfect snack or small meal. For breakfast, I enjoy having fruit on the side of an egg white omelet. A fruit salad is also tasty with a chicken breast for dinner or lunch.

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Prepare a large fruit salad that you can snack on throughout the week.